Friday, December 26, 2008

on the day of christmas...Great!!!

Not much to say
Let the picture tell the story


smile !smile ! smile!
Exploring the smile detector mode on the camera
p/s:you seriourly have to smile or it won't take the picture
we are singing for the sketch of jesus's birth.

Praise and worship lead by all the leader in
every socity of church.
"we say Feliz Navidad again!!!"

Yoo...Aimst Students rocks....
Our Family photo
Jan batch people going back soon
and will only come back next year September.
That is really long...

Joshua here!!!
playing with our christmas gift from the church
A metal bowl !!!
Just nice for me to cook my meggie

we are alway abnormal...
well i did not put that on my head!!!
is Loi (the red shirt guy)
anyway the picture seem nice

Merry Christmas!!!
Get ready to say bye bye
to Jan batch
and to 2008 also....
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please leave your footprint
if you visited here Arigato^^

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By :Felicia miao....


karen said...

Seem u have a nice Christmas there..congratz~

Still ok ar this blog?
i feel lk abit weird, lk gt sth is lost izzit?

*Irene* & *Felicia* said...

thx for editing dis blog!
and its blue!